SS. Edward & Lucy Parish

SS. Edward & Lucy Parish

SS. Edward & Lucy Parish
SS. Edward & Lucy Parish

About Us

The vibrant Catholic community of SS. Edward and Lucy teaches, proclaims and lives the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We do so through the celebration of the Eucharist, the administration of the sacraments and in loving and merciful service to all.

Rev. Jacob Bearer, Pastor   Rev. Mr. Greg Frania, Deacon.  William Steigerwald Administrative Assistant   Masses:    Saturday Vigil:  5:00 pm-St. Edward / 6:30 pm-St. Lucy  Sunday: 8:30 am-St. Edward / 10:30 am-St. Lucy       Confessions:  4:15-5:00 pm-St. Edward / 7:15 pm-St. Lucy  Weekday Mass:  Monday, 6pm and Tuesday-Fridays, 8:00 am – St. Edward Chapel

Holy Days: Vigil Mass:  6:30 pm-St. Edward  Holyday: 9:00 am-St. Edward / 6:30 pm-St. Lucy

Other Phone Numbers: St. Lucy Church:  440-632-5824 Rose Hall:  440-548-3812


ProLife: www.prolifehelp.ort

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 709 Middlefield, Parkman Township, OH, USA 44080
Social Info