Century Village Museum The Geauga Historical Society
- (440) 834-1492
- https://centuryvillagemuseum.org/
- 14653 E Park St, Burton, OH 44021, USA
Corner Field Model Railroad Museum & Hobby Shop
- (440) 636-5162
- http://www.cornerfieldmodelrailroadmuseumandhobby.com/home.html
- 16720 Pioneer Road, Middlefield, OH, USA
Geauga Amish Historical Library
- (440) 682-0606
- 15848 Nauvoo Road a1, Middlefield, OH, USA
Middlefield Historical Society / The Depot
- (440) 632-0400
- https://middlefieldhistoricalsociety.org/
- 14979 South State Avenue, Middlefield, OH, USA