Burton Chamber of Commerce, Log Cabin & Sugar Camp

Burton Chamber of Commerce, Log Cabin & Sugar Camp

burton logo
burton logo

About Us

A hidden treasure in the Heart of Geauga County!

We like to think of Burton as a hidden treasure here in the heart of Geauga County.  Burton remains a quiet rural community with a town square patterned after the village greens of New England.  In 1798, Burton became the first settlement, and the first official township in the county, and our historic district is known for its fine examples of Western Reserve architecture.

Located in the 4th largest Amish community in the world, Burton is rich in history and culture and is the backdrop for a variety of events throughout the year.  We are home to The Great Geauga County Fair (Ohio’s oldest county fair) and many unique and delightful shops and restaurants in and around Burton square.

On the south side of the square is the Geauga County Historical Society’s Century Village Museum.  Each year, many festivals take place on the village grounds including the ever popular Apple Butter Festival.

The Burton Log Cabin is a working sugar house producingmaple syrup every spring and making maple candy year round. It is operated yearround by the Burton Chamber of Commerce. The Log Cabin also serves as theinformation resource center for Burtonand surrounding areas.