100% PURE Geauga County Maple Syrup.
We get MANY phone calls from people wanting to know exactly when Maple Sugaring begins…. we can always tell that they are new to the process of “Sugarin.’ ” The exact answer is “When the temperatures begin rising and the sun starts warming the frozen Maple trees, and we get enough consecutive days of above freezing temps during the day, and below freezing temps at night, then the sap will begin flowing through the trees and Maple Sugaring season ‘officially’ begins.”
Even once ‘Sugaring Season’ begins that cycle needs to continue to keep the sap flowing. If it gets warm and stays warm, the trees begin to bud and the flavor of the sap changes. Likewise if the temps drop, and the sap freezes up in the trees, and is not ‘running’ then even if you visit during this time they MAY NOT be ‘boiling,’ or making syrup with the use of their large evaporator in their Sugarhouse. The BEST plan when visiting during this time is to call ahead to see if the Sugarhouse you are planning to visit is ‘boiling,’ but even if they are not we will surely be able to direct you to a location selling some 100% PURE Geauga County Maple Syrup.
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